Hair fall problems

Hair fall problems

Here in this article, we are going to share with you some main causes and reasons for hair loss and hair fall problems. Read all these causes carefully so that you will not do these things with your hair from next time.

Hair fall is the most common problem of today’s era. Hair loss is also called alopecia in the medical language. Everyone wants their hair to be long, thick, shiny, and healthy but it is not possible because of our own mistakes. Along with a good diet, it is also important to take good care of the hair.

Nowadays junk food habits and lifestyle of people have become so bad that it directly affects the hair. Chemicals used in Hair products and Pollution in our environment are the two main causes of the hair fall problem.

10 Most Common Reasons for Hair Loss

Here we shared the 10 most common causes of hair fall problems:

1. Stress:

Now the first and very common cause of hair fall problems is stress. Apart from some genetic reasons, Stress and Tension also cause hair fall. In a fast-paced life, people do not spend as much time paying attention to themselves as they spend in tension and stress, and this directly affects their health as well as hair. Your Hair needs the necessary nutrition for their growth, which they do not get and because of this, they start falling after some time.

2. Deficiency of Vitamins:

Did you know that Certain vitamins are needed to prevent hair fall and for the growth of our hair?

Yes, Our hair needs Vitamins like A, B, C, D, E, B Complex, iodine, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, silicon, and potassium. Due to their deficiency in the body, there is a lot of damage to the hair, and hair fall starts.

Vitamin A makes hair long, thick, and soft, and Vitamin D makes hair thick, healthy, and long. Similarly, the B complex prevents premature graying and loss of hair. As soon as these vitamins are deficient in the body, the direct effect is visible on the hair besides health. So, to keep your hair long and healthy you must supply adequate vitamins to your hair.

3. Excess use of Cosmetics:

Cosmetics, the major cause of various skin-related issues and hair problems. We all know that these products contain harmful chemicals but still, we use them. These chemicals make our hair weak and result in hair loss.

4. Hairdryer:

The use of hair blowers to dry wet hair is also one of the reasons for hair fall. It is very common that whenever we have to go somewhere we use hair dryers to dry our hair. And not only Hairdryer, but other tools like Straighteners, and stylers are also harmful to hair. Use of a hair dryer to dry wet hair, or use of other tools on hair make them extremely weak and result in Hair fall.

5. Excess use of Color:

On average, everyone who crosses the age of 30, has to use hair color to keep their hair black. And Do you know that this is another common reason for hair loss. Many people use a lot of color on their hair and by doing this their hair becomes weak and they start falling.

6. Fungal infections and dandruff:

Fungal infections and dandruff are also the causes of hair fall. Whether it is the rainy season or winter or summer, fungal infections can happen at any time. Due to excessive sweating in the hair, the hair becomes sticky, due to which people usually shampoo daily, which is harmful. When the hair gets wet during the rainy season, it also damages the hair.

7. Lack of Sleep:

If you are not getting enough sleep or you are not able to sleep properly then be careful as this will make your hair fall faster. According to many reports, insomnia and sleep-related diseases occur due to lack of sleep, which directly affects the hair.

8. Hormone changes:

Hormone Changes are another reason for hair loss. Be it pregnancy or childbirth or puberty. In these phases, there are many changes, ups and downs in our body, due to which hair fall occurs.

9. Harsh rubbing with a towel:

Women often use towels to dry after washing their hair and clean the hair by rubbing it vigorously, due to which the roots of the hair become weak. And weak hair breaks when the towel is rubbed harshly on them. If you also dry your hair in this way, then you must change this habit.

10.Use of hard water:

While living in industrial area we expose our hairs to hard water which make our hair weak and is one of main reason for Hair hall problems.

How to Avoid Hair Fall Problem:

Here we are sharing some tips with you that how you can reduce your hair fall problem:


1.Keep your Hair clean:

If you travel, then you should clean your hair every three days or wash it as soon as it starts looking oily. In such a situation, wash your hair at least 2 times a week, although during this time you should not use too much shampoo. More shampoos are also not right for your hair, so do not use shampoos with harmful chemicals, be careful in this.

2.Do not Apply excess oil on Hair:

It is necessary to apply oil to the hair and everyone says that it is necessary to apply oil. But you can’t always keep oil in your hair. Applying too much oil clogs the pores of the scalp because oil also comes out from the scalp. In such a situation, apply oil not on the skin of the head but the hair.

3.Use of Chemical Free Products:

Many people use various different types of products for hairstyle, which causes many problems with their hair. In such a situation, the spray or other chemicals make the hair bad and weak, due to which the hair starts thinning, in such a situation the problem of hair breakage becomes common. You must use Chemical free or Natural products to make your hair thick and healthy.

Chemical-free or Natural products are the solution to many hair-related problems, including hair fall problems.

4.Avoid Hair Colors:

Avoid excessive coloring and bleaching of hair. It removes moisture from your hair and makes them dry. Instead, always use natural henna or natural products.

5.Do not comb wet hair:

Many times when people shampoo in the morning, in such a situation people comb in a hurry, this should not be done. Always comb your hair when they are dry so that your hair breaks less.

6.Avoid using Hair tools:

You must avoid excessive use of hair tools like Hairdryers, straighteners, and hair stylers. Only use them in an emergency, not regularly.

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