Here’s what derms think about “dandruff causes”

Here’s what derms think about “dandruff causes”

According to a renowned trichologist, dandruff is the mixture of sensitivities, allergies, genetic issues, and imbalance of skin microbes. He also added overgrowth of microorganisms, including yeasts, bacteria, and fungi, may live on the scalp surface. Once these microbes consume the skin’s natural oil, they can produce the byproducts it reacts with, leading to inflammation and shedding. Dandruff has nothing to do with hygiene. However, suffering from dandruff is still not a pleasant ordeal. It makes you feel itchy, which may lead to hair fall. So, what are the causes of dandruff? We are here to find the dandruff causes. 

Let’s take a cursory look on Dandruff causes. 

1. Having dry skin

It is one of the most common causes of dandruff. This problem gets severe during winter as most body parts also get dried. If the scalp is not oiled or over-washed, it will lack moisture, leading to dandruff. Besides, excessive shampooing may strip the scalp, and therefore, it leads to more itchiness, flakes, and dryness. 

2. Allergic

People are allergic to various substances. Even it could be your hair care products. It may be sensitive if you feel scalp irritation after using specific products. You need to stop using those selected products to avoid any untoward situation. 

3. The irregular hair wash schedule 

You may encounter dandruff if you are constantly avoiding washing your hair, and it may lead to an oily scalp. Additionally, avoiding cleaning your scalp and hair may lead to dead skin and oil buildup. It is the right condition for dandruff to appear. Yeast may grow due to excessive oiliness that may lead to flakes. 

4. Weather conditions 

Extreme weather conditions like extensive sun exposure or a very cold climate can cause a flaky scalp. If you live in a humid environment, your scalp is more prone to get dandruff.

Sweating can be caused by humidity and heated air, especially on the scalp. Excessive perspiration results in an increase in oil production, contributing to dandruff. Because of the high humidity levels in the environment, most individuals have dandruff during the monsoon season.

5. Exercise

Sweating is unavoidable while engaging in strenuous exercise for extended periods. Because oil production is collected on your scalp, dandruff flourishes on a sweaty scalp. As a result, washing your hair after a strenuous physical exercise session is critical.

Ingredients used for fight dandruff causes.


  • Coal tar– For more than a century, coal tar has been used to treat itchy, irritated scalps due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics. Coal tar works by delaying the pace at which the skin cells on your scalp die and peel away.
  • Salicylic acid– Another typical active component in dandruff shampoos is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps eliminate the buildup when you have abundant yeast on your scalp, while Pyrithione zinc helps eradicate the yeast.
  • Pyrithione zinc– Most frequent active component in medicated dandruff shampoos is pyrrithione zinc, which is well-tolerated, affordable, and easy to purchase. Karen also recommends this substance.
  • Selenium sulfide– Sulfur is used to make selenium sulfide. It can help the itch and remove flakes and scales that irritate the scalp without the sulfur’s rotten-egg odor.
  • Ketoconazole– ketoconazole is an antifungal therapy that targets the fundamental cause of severe dandruff: abundant yeast. It inhibits the formation of yeast, preventing the spread of dandruff symptoms.


Woo, you just learned the causes of dandruff and the ingredients used for the same. It’s an excellent start. You can learn more by reading reetha benefits for hair or excellent rice benefits that will make your hair healthy. The choice is yours. 

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